What would it take to have more money than you can spend and never enough?
Money is a tool.
Many people believe money is difficult. And it is, from limiting beliefs and 3D-thinking.
In my experience, the Universe provides for me. I basically have a deal with the Universe: As long as I do my work, which is dis-covering myself, sharing what I find with others, and supporting others to do the same, the Universe provides. And it works. That doesn’t mean I didn’t do a lot of internal work with respect to money and wealth. I did. It isn’t either/or, it is both. I have more money than I can spend, as long as I don’t start buying yachts and helicopters. And having money is so much more fun than worrying about money, that I really find joy in supporting people getting out of that state. If you’re interested in that, please leave your contacts below. Whenever something is coming up, I will invite you, and if it calls you, I will be happy to see you there.